Learn, Explore, Adventure…
Come Aboard To
About these amazing historic vessels. There is never a time when we don’t discover something new about them.
Whether its their history, such as where and what they were built for or uncovering who was the person behind the name of the vessel.
Learning ,of course includes understanding how to get the best out of the vessel when underway and also tips and support on her care during refits and repairs.
One of the main aims of EHWB is to ensure there is a path to allow those with a lifetime of knowledge the platform to pass it on to the next generation of custodians. We are so aware that the future of these boats is precarious if this is not secured now.
The waters of the Essex Rivers. How lucky are we that we have this abundant, beautiful collection of Essex Saltmarsh to explore along with wide open stretches of the Thames Estuary to stretch the legs of our fleet.
There are opportunities to experience other Essex vessels by coming along to events where you can sail everything from Thames Sailing Barges to our amazing winklebrigs and even gun punts.
Join us on dawn raids and sunset sails exploring our incredible Essex coastline from Harwich to Greys and every nook and creek in between.
Into the many different ways to enjoy being involved with these historic working vessels.
The year will run from September, start of the Native Oyster Season. So many of the fleet had a part to play in this industry, it seemed fitting to reflect this in EHWB year.
Moving onto the winter months there are a number of opportunities to celebrate both the herring and sprat seasons.
By early Spring, boats are refitted for racing in the traditional Regattas which are so integral part of many of these vessel’s DNA.
The year will conclude with our Empty Shed Party at which the winners of the Essex Heritage Work Boats of the Year will be crowned.