Photograph - The Sphere |Saturday 18th October | 1947

Harbour Vessels

Vessels working within the waters of the Ports and Harbours of the Essex Coastline

Police Boat

Built to protect the Oyster Layings

  • Protecting the Oyster Layings was an important role for the Oyster Company in The River Colne .

  • Built by Aldous for the patrolling of the oyster layings.

  • Built by Aldous and had a brief to be “quicker than any boat on the River”

  • Aldous built Poilce boat

  • Cargo Vessel

    Thames Sailing Barges - Motor Barges - Open Boats - Ketches - Lighters

  • Fishing Vessel

    Fishing Smack - Oyster Smack - Bawley - Cockler - Skiff

  • Harbour Vessel

    Tugs - Dredgers - Workboats - Harbour Launch

  • Passenger Vessel

    Ferry - Pleasure Craft - Trip Boat

  • Small Craft

    Punts - Tenders - Pull Skiffs - Tow Boat

  • Infrastructure

    Wharfs - Quaysides - Slipways - Cranes