The Annual Colne Smack & Sailing Barge Match from Brightlingsea, with the additional spectacle of the Bumkins and MFOB racing off East Mersea, one of the best race days for watching these incredible heritage vessels. The start and finish line can offer the people watching quite a show !
The start times will be 11:00 hrs for barges, 11:30 hrs for smacks and 12:00 for MFOB’s.
The Colne Smack & Sailing Barge Match Committee invite you to participate in the 2024 Colne Smack & Sailing Barge Match which will take place on the 14th September 2024.
Please note the prizegiving this year is at Brightlingsea Sailing Club.
The race will be sailed under the 2023 Sailing Barge Match Rules which apply to the Smack fleet also. The word “barge” denotes smack and/or bawley also. MFOB’s will race under the RYA Racing Rules of Sailing. Please see 2024 Colne Match Race Instructions for more information.
HW 09:13 therefore start times will be 11:00 hrs for barges, 11:30 hrs for smacks and 12:00 for MFOB’s.
Barges are away first so Smacks are reminded to keep well clear of the start line until the barges have started. At the finish, vessels in all classes which have finished racing must keep clear of the finish line and clear of vessels still racing including the approaches.
Please complete and return the attached entry form by email to confirming your contact details, including telephone number and email address on the form where asked.
Entry fees of £20.00 should be sent by BACS transfer to the following account:
Colne Smack Preservation Society.
Sort Code 20-21-73.
Acc. No. 00100498.
Please reference your payment with the vessel name.
The Race Committee will be at Brightlingsea Sailing Club on the Friday evening between 1800hrs and 2000hrs. There will be no briefing, but you are welcome to join us to collect sailing instructions, for last minute entries and to return last year’s trophies (polished please).
The Prizegiving will be held at Brightlingsea Sailing Club at 19:30 hrs
The bar will be open from 17:30 until 23:00
Brightlingsea Sailing Club, Waterside, Brightlingsea, Colchester. CO7 0DY
Supper will be available from 18:30 onwards at Brightlingsea Sailing Club
Pre-order at £15.00 per head
Option 1 – Beef and Vegetable Stew and Mash/Death by Chocolate Cake with fresh Cream
Option 2 – Bean and Vegetable Stew and Mash/Death by Chocolate Cake with fresh Cream
Pre-order by Thursday 12 September the number of tickets and options choice online:
Please reference your order/payment with the vessel name
The bar will be open from 17:30 until 23:00
CS&SBM look forward to seeing you.